Reducing the Ban
Getting your Driving Ban reduced by up to 50%
In drink driving cases it is possible to have your driving ban reduced by up to 50%.
For example one client of the firm who was facing an 18 month ban had his ban reduced to 9 months.
This is a tricky area needing expert representation as under sentencing guidelines the rules on credit for guilty plea do not apply to driving bans.
This means if you were to represent yourself the Court will likely offer no reduction on your driving ban apart from the drink driving course.
However there are ways and means to avoid the restrictive effect of these guidelines and our testimonials demonstrate how it is possible to gain significant reductions on the ban.
Call us now on 0800 044 3730 to find out how.
Applying to Remove Your Driving Ban
You can ask for your driving licence back once you have served 2 years of any ban up to 4 years. If your driving ban is longer than 4 years you can reapply after serving 50% of the ban.
This requires an application to the Court and expert representation is advised to increase your chances of persuading the Court to remove the driving ban.
We can help by arranging home office approved blood tests to support the application with assistance obtaining supporting documentation to improve your chances of success.
You have the right to reapply after 3 months if the Court declines the application.
Contact us now on 0800 044 3730 to make a start. It can take as little as a week for your license to be returned.